by Bob Jones
Ask yourself: does the credit card work for you or do you work for your credit card? Most people's reply to that question will depend on how they treat their "plastic friend" as credit cards are often known. As many people with burned fingers will tell you, they didn't realize that things had gotten so bad until too late, because most credit card offers try so much to sound like they are actually running a charity. Well, they aren't.
And this is not a hate campaign against credit cards. They have their benefits - in the USA if you want to rent a car, you have got to have a (major) credit card. But, consider this scenario:
You receive an offer in the post that sounds great, maybe it's a new TV or fridge. But it costs $2,000. You have a credit card with a $5,000 limit so you immediately purchase the product. Typically, here is how your repayment schedule will play out. Most credit cards charge a minimum percentage of the total balance (usually 2 percent) per month. Assuming the interest rate is 18 percent and you choose to repay the minimum amount of $40, $30 of that will go towards interest and only $10 towards the principle!
Does it sound scary? Well, it doesn't need to be. The moral of the tale is to use the credit card very, very carefully.
Credit Cards Dos and Don'ts
There is a lot of truth in the saying that credit cards are not a substitute for not having money. Every time you use a credit card this should be the theme replaying in your head. And you would do good to remember the following too:
1] Always plan for the purchases that you need and those that you just want. You need the essentials, but you only want everything else. The ability to make a distinction could help you plan wisely.
2] If you are caught up in financial difficulties, it's always a good idea to talk to the credit card supplier who might adjust your repayments. If you just default, that only builds up an unfavourable credit history for you and you could find yourself being refused credit in the future.
3] Unless it is an emergency, remaining within your credit limits will assist you a lot. If you must spend over the credit card limit, keep within manageable levels, say within 30 percent.
4] If your letterbox is chock-full of information on credit cards with more favourable offers than you are currently enjoying, you can always approach your issuer for a better deal. They want to keep you as a customer, so they will listen.
1] Do not use your credit card to purchase household goods. It is too expensive in the long term.
2] Do not only pay the minimum amount necessary. You will end up paying exorbitant amounts of interest. The more quickly you can pay off the debt the better.
3] Never use the credit card to buy things you can't afford without the credit card.
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