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Debt Management Without Bankruptcy

| Jun 13, 2009

Debt Management Without Bankruptcy

by Chris Blanchet
Obtaining a bankruptcy discharge is well-known to be an easy process. For most debtors, the appeal of bankruptcy blinds them to the negative fallout of bankruptcy, not the least of which includes a bad credit score, difficulty finding new work, higher insurance premiums, and the fact that the public record of the bankruptcy is available for all to see. In most cases, all a debtor needs to do is devise a repayment plan by increasing income or, more likely, finding ways to reduce expenses.In order to stay one step ahead of your finances and maintaining a debt-free lifestyle (once you achieve this), you will need to be creative in finding ways to reduce debt. Creditors only lend to you because they expect to be repaid, rather than not seeing a single cent through bankruptcy. With this in mind, some creditors might be willing to negotiate a reduced principal repayment. However, many others will not and if this is the case you will need to make some short-term sacrifices in order to repay the debt and get ahead.Since so many people aren't aware of where their cash goes on a monthly basis (this is one reason why debt may seem unmanageable), many don't even bother to think of creative ways to reduce expenses and this is what could lead to long-term regret when bankruptcy is the only alternative rather than one of many alternatives. Here are some ideas for reducing such expenses:-Stop using credit cards. Use a debit card instead. -Sit down and plan a budget for all expenses. There are many options available, but the point is to stick to it! -Save. Don't rely on loans to bail you out each time you need to buy something other than groceries. -If you need to borrow, borrow from family and friends who typically offer interest-free loans and no formal repayment requirements. -Instead of eating out, prepare your own meals. This can be fun and even romantic, thereby killing two birds with one stone. -Look for sales and bargains instead of going for high-cost name brands. -Don't change your lifestyle too much in one go. Introduce one change at a time if you are able to do so. -If you pay your family's expenses, you need to involve them in cost cutting measures. -Take stock of essential and non essential spending. Food, clothing, shelter, medical care, education are essential expenses. If you don't need a second car, a second home, or multiple credit cards consider getting rid of them. Use any profit to repay unsecured debt. -If your income does not cover all expenses, consider taking a second, part-time job until you are able to come out ahead again.By avoiding bankruptcy, you will avoid the heartache and delayed regret that normally stems from a discharge. Although a repayment plan does not provide immediate relief from debt, there are many techniques and software available to help you improve cash flow and repay debt.

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