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Setting goals that you want to reach them

| Feb 26, 2009

Setting goals that you want to reach them

One of the main reasons why people rarely reach goals, or fail in achieving their goals because they are designed to SKY HIGH, it is difficult to achieve. Another reason is that we do not actually NOK goals.

Dream or goal may be as important to think about all day, and even dreams about it.

Dreams in order to avoid misunderstandings, such as: Money, rich, car purchases, quit the job.

These objectives MLM / Network Marketing upline only. These dreams seem on paper. They do not reflect the real desire.

If you join MLM / Network Marketing, do not forget that no matter uplines. There is no need for them, thanks.

He was a leader of yourself, no one went to the strength of the work, if you do not want to. It should be an initiative to adopt measures that benefit you and your company.

Discover your "hot button", or that make you tick, rather than vague dreams, it must be that we want to achieve specific goals, it means that something.

A good example of the specific objectives are as follows: "I want my family in Japan in December, I will earn $ 15,000 to the cost of a new Nissan Fair Lady in 5 months"

The purpose of the specific and detailed your goals, it is important for you to achieve it. As such, the dreams and goals are not personal, it will not be able to find the motivation to fight for the dreams, and then give up easily when difficulties.

If you add the time element of the goals that you know what action should be taken to achieve the goals.

If the boss did not specify the date of the report, said that they are not, do not you felt it was urgent, and to take their sweet time? It should be in focus today and the strength of that one item.

In the end, the more specific and targeted to achieve your goal is to make a promise. Tell your loved ones that promise to achieve the goal. And I see that there is no alternative but to work hard to fulfill the promise.

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